Thank you all the people who made my poem site possible, the great graphics from Blingee, PicGifs, glitter graphics, and Bing for the awesome graphics from numerous other sites. Thank You for Youtube for awesome songs and videos!
Thank You Jesus for the gift of Your poetry and Your Love and for believing in me as Your Poet! You all were a blessing to my site, honoring Jesus! Thank You For All The YouTube Videos made by great people Thank You! Also to all the readers visiting my site Thank you! Special Thanks to two great sises, Estella Sis, and Feon Sis for helping me start my website and great help along the way. Love Ya All Muahhhhhh Poet Dorothy We put two new books on the market today. Both are workbooks to help others in their walk. I am giving special thanks to my adopted sis, Alice Oxford, for helping me to put books on with my poems and hers. We are both critically ill but we can together make a difference in the world by honoring Jesus and teaching His family how to reach out for hope and faith. She did an awesome job and wanted help me get my work out to help others on the market. Both are being sold for charity for children to go to school and get supplies. The second book is a book on prayers and features three writers, Poet Dorothy E. Scott, Feon Davis, and Alice Oxford. All proceeds will go to help children learn. All will honor Jesus and teach the way to His ultimate healing. This Good Friday and Easter Workbook has been especially written by the poets Dorothy E. Scott and Alice Oxford, to take you on a spiritual Christian journey during Easter time. Using Biblical citations and poetry, questions are asked about your own special relationship with Good Friday and Easter, including plenty of space for you to write down your feelings and experiences. All proceeds will be donated to those in need. Easter is a time when we reflect on Jesus’ ascension from earth to heaven, and His return to earth for eternity. People who have faith recognize the importance of Easter, as we know only too well the message that Jesus died to save us, and that He was sacrificed by God so that we may be reprieved from our sins. Around the world, Easter is celebrated in many different ways and yet what unites those who feel the importance of Easter, is the knowledge that they are demonstrating their faith as they recognize its significance. Easter is a time for the community to join together and for families to get together, acknowledging that their love for each other is important. This workbook provides an interesting opportunity for you to reflect on what Easter really means to you, and it may feel a little like a pilgrimage as you progress through it, learning more about your own feelings. My new business card honoring Jesus with my new book, "The Master's Hand."
My business card and book mark was made by Feon Davis, my adopted sis. Thank You Sis for the awesome work ya did for me! Everyone enjoys them so much, a gift I can give like no one else! it will always be a gift that keeps giving hope and faith. She will laminate them and she makes many specialty items even handmade cards. Visit her website and see how talented she is. She did an awesome job. This poem and verse has always led me on to become the caring poet I am! If you want to get any of her crafts or have some bookmarks and business cards done specialty. Visit her website! Her Website is
Workbooks can be an ideal opportunity to uncover inspiring and joyful reflections relating to your life, through exploring your own feelings. This Christian Prayer Workbook has been written especially for you, so that you can look into your relationship with God in more detail, examining why your faith matters to you and looking into your own feelings. This workbook is a large size ( 8.5" x 11") and it offers a creative space in which you can reflect, through your own writing, and also being inspired by the poetry contained within the workbook, to look into your heart and ask questions about prayer. The workbook has been priced at a low price to make it accessible to all people, and the proceeds will be going to assist those in need. What is prayer ? Prayer can be understood from many perspectives, as demonstrated in the workbook. Prayer can be all about praise, especially during happier moments of life. You may wish to give thanks to God for the glory of all that He may have showered on you, or you may simply wish to pray silently for inspiration and guidance. Prayer resolves an internal need to be in the company of the Lord. It offers us a sanctuary when we really need it, and a safe haven where we can truly be ourselves. There is a shared understanding that when we pray, there is a purpose to prayer and that although prayer in itself is powerful, it requires faith to make it work. Prayer is a uniting activity, therefore, as it connects us not only to God, but to all of those who have faith. Through prayer, we are showing our wish to facilitate and activate God’s love within our lives, and in the lives of others. Dorothy E. Scott is an internationally famous US poet, whose work as a Chaplan means that she has a lot of experience in helping others. Feon Davis is a US poet whose love of God is communicated in all that she writes. Alice Oxford is a poet and writer whose words are inspired by her faith. This workbook has been dedicated to all of those who suffer, and who wish to find solace through prayer. My business card and book mark was made by Feon Davis, my adopted sis. Thank You Sis for the awesome work ya did for me! Everyone enjoys them so much, a gift I can give like no one else! it will always be a gift that keeps giving hope and faith.
She did an awesome job. This poem and verse has always led me on to become the caring poet I am! If you want to get any of her crafts or have some bookmarks and business cards done specialty. Visit her website! Her Website is I met a special lady, Mary Bina, who is raising two special needs children. She is an awesome lady, Jesus sent me and I know you will love her too! I have put her website on here for many who love Scentsy wickless candles. You do not burn candles you warm the scent comes out but they are soot free and lead free...and fire safe! It will help her raise her children and help others too. Please take time to see her candles and create a miracle with your purchase. There are many awesome candles. My Journey As God’s Poet
I started at a really young age learning words by reading dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedia. I sought a way to help the world when Jesus told me I was going to be His poet. Over the years I taught poets in many ways. I used my poetry to teach others imagistic, faith, and hope. I taught poetry in poet conventions, schools, and colleges. I taught poets of every age online and off. I have finished 143 books so far, working on many more. My animal series is used to feed animals on preserves and in schools in Africa and other countries. I have a fatal sickness, Prinzmetal Angina with so many complications and other diseases; which makes me a better poet. I am Christian Counselor for Warriors and others needing. I also am Chaplin for warriors and first ever Reverend Of Poetry. I am known by Angel Luvyapoet by the sick children and a lot of the world! I am known as Nature Luvyapoet by the young children and the world reading my animal series. The greatest name I love and I am known by as God's Poet! I hope to help others like me to have faith in themselves and kick habitual addictions by making them believe in themselves but believing in Jesus most of all, His miracles. We may be sick but we can help others and achieve our goals though we may be so lost in sickness. Let Jesus be your Poet and you the pen. Believe in yourself and know your sickness can’t defeat you with Jesus at your side. I am willing to help any poet sick, struggling, or just needing someone to care about his or her writing. I am willing to help any who need my help. Having confidence in yourself and your writing with Jesus is the first step needed. I am a poet of many genre. Love all like you would love yourself. Let poetry nurture your hunger not addiction. Let His seed mature inside of you. Be made whole by the blossoms of poetry and His love! God Bless Ya Love Ya Muahhhhhh Poet Dorothy E. Scott
Sick Poet's Society Join us where I show poetry and teach others how I write and the knowledge I have learned. We love Jesus and we are a family! Estella Sis teaches Kindle publishing! We are a loving group! A very special poet writer, Jason Wolfe, I met is partnered with an awesome E-Magazine, which he made me the featured poet in for next month. He is an awesome guy to talk to and I dedicate my website for his magazine. They are helping other poet's and brightening the poetic mile! Please visit his site Feon's Sis is another dedicated poet, who helped me build my site She is an awesome Christian poet with books out. Please check out her site!
Poet Dorothy Luvs You!
It just takes a special love for Jesus and poetry to make the greatest poet!
Write from your heart and breathe imagery. No matter what you write you are a winner In God's Eyes! You can be God's Chosen Poet too! Believing In The Impossible
Many people fail to see how wonderful Our Lord is. He creates miracles every day and He waits to show you how easy it is to think: Believing In The Impossible is. My journey took me to evil people and so many loving and needing people. Nineteen days I was tortured by the living demons of the medical field. This voodoo queen sought to harm not help. I had surgery for adhesions after that. My gallbladder scar hadn't healed. I had learn how to eat again and it has been a difficult journey. I never gave up on Jesus. He held my hand through my disease attacks and still does. As I suffer from disabling attacks, I can hear My Father telling me I am there. I know I am alive through too many av nodes and ablation and so many times I cling to the thought I am believing in the impossible. It became necessary for God’s Poet to increase in poetry and thought. I see miracles and when I hear my babies say thank you for being there. I couldn’t understand how people can see your Prinzmetal Angina, my rare heart disease and tell you death would happen then walk away. They never gave me a chance for life but Jesus gave me a chance to be better and help others. I have lived 21 years with now. I have the rarest form strikes anytime now. I have 129 books written and working on over four hundred books more. This book is one of five series. ( poem titles are written already) Jesus is so great! I saw the tears of my CCU medical doctor when he told me my disease was worse and he couldn’t stop the terrible attacks. He said he was helpless in my situation. I told him Jesus knows and I always am Believing In The Impossible. When you feel depressed and feel all alone start, Believing In The Impossible. It can send you on a journey, faith and hope lined. God Bless Ya All Love Ya Muahhhhhhhhh Poet Dorothy Believing In The Impossible
Arduous tasks loom in the distance, Riddling the mind with doubt. A gloomy day threatens an emotional downfall. All routes seem so hopeless. Believing in the impossible has become your foundation, It will support any terrifying storms arriving. It carries a profound hope with pious intervention. Wrapping you in a healing cocoon of His love. Let not the injustice of man betray your outlook, Seeding you to anger and deceit. Look toward the spiritual light always. Let the hallowed illumination guide your pathway. Let His words become your teacher, Warding away any impending will or thought. Believing in the impossible will make you whole, Sending away the forlorn future awakening. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 This book from Spiritual Illumination Series is dedicated to my sister-in-law, Wilda, who I love so much, who helps me face every serious battle and always there; but always ready for next battle. Thank You From My Heart! Also dedicated to Our Heavenly Father, Jesus! Without Him We Are Nothing! With Him Everything! My Heart Is Full
My heart is full of hope for better things, Knowing no matter how rough my journey becomes, Jesus is there to hold me with His hand. My mind is abundant with love and faith for others, Knowing the world can be a difficult place, Yet I will venture forth with prayer as my goal. The body might beaten by sickness and time, I will know that His love will carry me, Beyond the turbulence of pain and agony. I will always believe in the impossible, Walking the miracle mile with Jesus, Knowing He has made my heart full. I will never stop believing in my healing, Knowing He is holding me through the storm, With Him I am never alone! Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 This book from Spiritual Illumination Series is dedicated to my sister-in-law, Wilda, who I love so much, who helps me face every serious battle and always there; but always ready for next battle. Thank You From My Heart! Also dedicated to Our Heavenly Father, Jesus! Without Him We Are Nothing! I Will Soar With His Angels
On this birthday I will soar with His angels, Knowing My Savior will watch over me, Though my body becomes so lost in sickness, He is always there to hold me through all. His love will be an incandescent to my soul, An illumination to every sorrowful moment. He will carry over any flaming beds out to sear, Giving me His dedicated love, abundantly. He gives me the strength to achieve greater things, His legs to stand on when mine fail. Loving arms hold me up when I falter, Sending His angels to always watch over me. He is never too busy just to let me know He cares, Sending me His smile when I am grieved, A special hug when I need it the most. He never lets me struggle alone in my hurt. On this birthday I will soar with His angels, Knowing My Savior will watch over me, Though my body becomes so lost in sickness, He is always there to hold me through all. It will be His love carrying me another year, His blessings sheltering me from every dismay. His dedication giving me the strength to endure another year, Though I will surely need His guidance on every step. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 My Father’s Loving Eyes Written for my Sissy, Ann, Who I love very much. I never got to spend much time with her when young. She is so special to me. Love Ya Sissy! Always Know Our Savior Is Watching Over Us Always! ![]() There comes a time when your hope dwindles and you fight becomes desperate. You know you are losing the battle when you lose the precious ability to eat and live in pain. Every day you grow weaker, trying desperately to change your plight but there is no cure you can find, no food to eat. The burning inside is searing your precious tissue and you feel so lost in sickness. Your temperature rises and falls with no answers either. Every breath brings such burning and agony. Many sleepless painful nights await you. You lost ability to even take necessary meds. You are waiting for the right answers to every difficult question but no one seems to know how to stop your agony but there is no road too great for The Lord. He waits to hear every plea and holds your hand through it all. When You feel like you are so alone in your sickness, then turn to Jesus for the answers to your question. Doctors might not always see the way to help you but Jesus He waits for your pleaful call. He is the greatest loving and caring Physician. No road is too great for Him. He doesn’t like you hurting and so ill when you lose so much. He wants to travel every road through the journey. It might be difficult to bear for you but knowing you have Him carrying you, you can survive a lot more. I am not just saying this I lived it for years and recently it has become a torture to even exist. Believe in His love, care, understanding and hope. You can make any journey with His Love and His compassion. He will revive your dwindling hope as He continually does mine.
God Bless You Love You Muahhhh Poet Dorothy There Is No Road Too Great Your health has become a torturous pathway to bear. Sweeping your faith under the painful rock of dismay. Etching your gravestone in your mind, Not looking for the hope needed to make every step. Anxiety replaces the serenity of your mind. Your secure foundation threatens to destroy your will, Collapsing you in a torrential storm, Full of agony and sickness in your body. Your spirit is weakened by every thrust of the knife, Twisting your insides in a nightmarish grasp. Drowning in bittersweet tears continually falling. Your health seems to deteriorate more each day! There is no road too great, My Child. I will carry you over the roughest spots, Hold you through the most painful moments. I will always be there to comfort and heal. Let Not Your Heart Become Weary! Keep Your Faith Strong, My Child. Lean on My strength to survive your trials. I will never let you suffer your sickness alone! Amen! Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 Lost In Sickness Dr. Muk, Love Ya. A Book from Jesus to help others in their journey with their lost in sickness! May it bring you eternal peace and His encouragement always. His Healing Hand Covers All
Lying in the hospital bed, I contemplated the health changes in my life, Wondered if I would ever walk without my health ruling my every step, Dismay clouded my struggling mind with feelings of extreme sickness. I knew I must journey beyond physical pain to my spiritual faith. Faith of Jesus must become my hearth to reside on, My only rest in the harshest storms yet to brave, I would have to reside in the robes of His enlightenment. It threatened to destroy the belief in myself and my future. I knew I had to rebuild the foundation of my faith, Letting not this lost in sickness become my downfall, My pillar of bittersweet tears would be only cleansed by His Healing Hand. Knowing His Healing Hand Covers All Lost In The Sickness, His love soothes the chaffed tissue always, Seared by the harsh winds of life. He comforts all with His eternal devotion. Tomorrow I will tread many difficult pathways. Relying on Jesus to carry me over the flaming beds, I will believe in my ultimate healing, As I realize I am His medical miracle always! Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 Lost In Sickness Dr. Muk, Love Ya. A Book from Jesus to help others in their journey with their lost in sickness! May it bring you eternal peace and His encouragement always. On God’s Miracle Mile
Walking along the road of life flaming with temptations, My unsure feet tread on the stones of apprehension, My mind was cluttered with thoughts of dismay, I was lost in my own entity of hopelessness. Disease and sorrow wracked my body with barbs of deceit, Disappointment became my ruling stead, Beyond my hurt was not a light to see, Till His healing hand reached out to me. His sweet breath refreshed my soul with enlightenment, His feet became my own on this desperate walk. On God’s Miracle Mile I will always be journeying, A place where faith and hope will always be His light. On God’s Miracle Mile is a place of serenity, Away from the ravages of humankind. Beyond mortal control is this pathway of faith, Where blemishes are erased with His love. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 My Father’s Loving Eyes Written for my Sissy, Ann, Who I love very much. I never got to spend much time with her when young. She is so special to me. Love Ya Sissy! Always Know Our Savior Is Watching Over Us Always! My New Company Name Is By The Hand Of God
This is my Poetry Shield I made to put on every book, my promise to Jesus to honor Him with year copyrighted. I dedicate all I write to You My Loving Father! His Angel Touch
I yearn to partake of His spiritual foundation, With flaming kisses to enthrone my sorrowful soul, Rest In His beloved mansion for eternity. Feeling His angel touch wipe away my bittersweet tears, I will recover from the searing thorns in my body, Continuously inflicting me with intense pain internally. His hearth will shelter me with His warmth, Keeping the frigid weather out, That chills the spirit with its icy bite. His loving hands will hold me, Carrying me over the flame beds of dissension, With Him I will find only the protection of His Grace. I yearn to partake of His spiritual foundation, With flaming kisses to enthrone my sorrowful soul, Rest In His beloved mansion for eternity. This will be my supplication to Him in prayer. I know He will listen to all making the same plea, For He is Our Great Savior with His Healing Grace. Amen Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 My Father’s Loving Eyes Written for my Sissy, Ann, Who I love very much. I never got to spend much time with her when young. She is so special to me. Love Ya Sissy! Always Know Our Savior Is Watching Over Us Always! Till I Can Make It On My Own
Father, Hold me close in your shelter, Till I can make it on my own. Now that my body is failing, I have to walk on dolomite to help me. Be my foundation when my body is dying, It has weakened from the rehabilitating physical abuse. Give me the strength to fight every new battle, When I am so tired from the continuous strain. Each day pressure and burning takes my eyesight, I know I might faint or fall at anytime, But You never wait to hold me close, Consoling me with Your love always there. Disease has taken all my energy, Creating many more painful moments to face. When I have a hard time understanding my difficulties, I will take that time to ask You, My Lord. Father, Hold me close in your love, Till I can make it on my own. No matter how many times I suffer, I know I am never alone. Thank You, Father, I know, You will always hold me in Your purity. Till I can make it on my own, Be my Guardian over all to come in my future! Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 My Father’s Loving Eyes Written for my Sissy, Ann, Who I love very much. I never got to spend much time with her when young. She is so special to me. Love Ya Sissy! Always Know Our Savior Is Watching Over Us Always! |
This song was one of our wedding songs sang on the day, January 3, 1987 by my adopted brother I love, Roy Don and his wife, Donna. She was his wife then! Now He has a beautiful wife, Wendy, and two beautiful daughters. Love Ya All!
The Love Of My Life Johnny, My Hubby for 29 years and forever my soulmate!
I am rich only In Jesus love and family. I need no dollars to honor my Jesus and help others. I write and donate my time so others don't hurt and know they are not alone in their battles. Sometime the greatest gift is just being a friend and listener, telling them Jesus is there!
He weeps when you hurt and He truly is the Father of all miracles, The Lord of all hope and healing! I dedicate this entire site to Jesus! Since I was young, He was the inspiration in this poet's life, the only Father I ever knew!
Jesus Is My Parent, Healer, Teacher, Friend, And My Inspiration! I Am His Warrior Princess, carrying the battle scars of life, His Poet, Chaplin, And Christian Counselor, willing to spiritually fight with my love, prayers, pen, or voice. My goal is to make the world a better place with Jesus! A Special Dedication For My Family Online And Off.
You have been the greatest family a poet could ask for! A Special Dedication To My Boss, Chaplin Daniels And All The Caring Chaplins For The Warriors, Veterans, And Their Families. I want to say a special thank you to an awesome Reverend, whom I dearly love so much. She dedicated her life to help others too. RevBertha used to have The Almshouse Magazine. I was given my own Poet Corner in it and now she continues in email, helping others. She has gathered up many dedicated prayer warriors to intercessor for others. I dedicate this website to her and all my fellow intercessors of Jesus! Thank You For Caring For Others And Doing The Lord's Work! I dedicate this site to all the staff of Temple V. A.M.C. the secretaries and all employees who have kept this sick poet alive especially Dr. Muk, sent by Jesus for this sick poet, who never gives up on me though my health and I both frustrate her sometimes, also to my dedicated Nurse Wanda Nurse Fasaala, And Nurse Ada, who stood by me when I am my sickest and all the other nurses involved with my care over the years. She was the most special nurse always there! I miss ya my Donna! Love ya my nurse for many years! Donna became sick with cancer and needs our prayers! Love Ya All and thank you for all you do to help us struggling veteran ladies. It means a lot to know someone cares. Jesus Gave Me This For The Poet!
Honor Him In All You Write! Between Sickness And Poetry
Between sickness and poetry lies a bridge with no gap. A place where there breeds a poetical enlightenment. In this spiritual land lies many blossoms of love, Seeded by the hand of the greatest poet, Jesus. In each bloom He places many attributes for the writer to use, In their inner weaving of verse and prose. He lines the stem with thorns that bleed when pricked, His promise to the world I am there. His living water feeds the growing plant, Giving it the strength to achieve greater height, Nourishing the ailing world with a pious intervention, Bridging the gap between sickness and poetry. His fertile earth revives the dying plant with new energy, Giving the sacred nutrition to feed with, Breathing new life in the collapsing structure, His hallowed words birth a new rose of fragrance. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 –2015 Lost In Sickness Dr. Muk, Love Ya. A Book from Jesus to help others in their journey with their lost in sickness! May it bring you eternal peace and His encouragement always. Your Living Sacrifice
Lord, Take my body as Your living sacrifice, Know that I will not deny My Lord this pleasure, Giving my hands the strength to carry on Your legacy, No matter how difficult it becomes at times. My voice will always praise my Father, Leading us to travel many troubled times together. You are my warmth in times of coolness, Spiritual light in the darkened corners of my life. When my burden becomes to much to bear, Carry me beyond past the flames of dissension. My Father I offer my entire being, An ultimate sacrifice of my love. My Father I will honor you with all my heart, Giving You praise every second, Knowing You were a living sacrifice, So I could go beyond the coals of tribulation. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 My Father’s Loving Eyes Written for my Sissy, Ann, Who I love very much. I never got to spend much time with her when young. She is so special to me. Love Ya Sissy! Always Know Our Savior Is Watching Over Us Always! ANOTHER YEAR UNDER GOD’S LIGHT
Treading the path of sickness, I have aged another year, Under God’s hallowed light. His hand guides me through pathways, Sweeping the dismal corners of my life, As I journey on my unsure trek with pain. Many more years I will continue to walk, Still in the luminance of His spiritual light, As I struggle with this devastating disease. I know My Father will always hold me, In every indecisive moment I encounter. His love will shelter me from every storm. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 My Father’s Loving Eyes Written for my Sissy, Ann, Who I love very much. I never got to spend much time with her when young. She is so special to me. Love Ya Sissy! Always Know Our Savior Is Watching Over Us Always! ![]() On Elemental Winds On our sacred parchment of benevolence, Our quilled hands will etch a poetic verse. Dedicated poet showing spirited talent, Weaving the greatest intertwine of prose. On elemental winds I will ride, Giving the reader a lyrical experience, Leading me on a metrical voyage, Beyond the mysteries of the inquisitive mind. I will bridge over flaming coals, To rest in spiritual waters of verse, Journeying in the light of a new tomorrow, While wiping away the impassivity of yesterday. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2015 On Elemental Winds Dedicated To My New Sis, Feon Sis, Who I Dearly Love! May This Poetic Journey Enthrall You And The World! Carry Me Over The Dismal Water
My Lord, My heart has become weary of its shallow beat. My arms reach out to find comfort. An unsure mind becomes lost on its journey. I am a sinner lost in a pit so deep. Please accept me in Your loving grace. Illuminate me with Your forgiving light. Forgive my transgressions I have lived. Let not my past mistakes be repeated. Carry me over the dismal water. Help me to rebirth in Your caring river, Far from the barnacles of hate, A place where no human should ever travel. My Lord, I implore for Your hallowed gift. Restore my hardened heart with Your breath. Let your love consume any anger inset. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 This book from Spiritual Illumination Series is dedicated to my sister-in-law, Wilda, who I love so much, who helps me face every serious battle and always there; but always ready for next battle. Thank You From My Heart! Also dedicated to Our Heavenly Father, Jesus! Without Him We Are Nothing! You Can’t Touch What You Can’t See
If your mind fails to look upon Our Precious Lord, You can’t feel His undying love for you, Remaining lost in the darkness in isolation. You can’t touch what you can’t see! Leading you on a pathway of dismal abide, A place filled with heartache and pain. How can you see without devotional eyes, Feel without His inspirational love inside, Where bleakness has nested in the dankish interior? Without Jesus in your life, All illumination has been curtained with darkness. A closet of hurt and pain becomes your prison. Let His light illuminate your lost spirit, Feeding you the nutrients of His healing, No longer bound to evil shackles worn. Be made whole by His forgiving love, Enclose thyself in His grace offered. Be forever set free by His understanding hand. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 Believing In The Impossible This book from Spiritual Illumination Series is dedicated to my sister-in-law, Wilda, who I love so much, who helps me face every serious battle and always there; but always ready for next battle. Thank You From My Heart! Also dedicated to Our Heavenly Father, Jesus! Without Him We Are Nothing! Leading Way To Understanding
My Child, Lay your burdens down before Your Father, My arms will encircle you in your pain and dismay, Leading way to a new understanding. Let not the sorrow become your bedstead, My caring hands will comfort and hold you close, Letting not the darts of life harm. I offer you an eternal reservation, Living in the sight of Your Father, Your Lord, With an eternity of serenity and hope inside. You will always feel the comfort of Your Father. I loved you enough to give My life on Calvary, Wiping away your transgressions and sins. Leading way to understanding for my children, I offer them precious grace and penance, A contract of love to comfort and appease. Your sacred journey will always be an illumination. I offer you the blessings of new life, With Your Father who loves you. Rest in the circle of My love, Let not temptation rule your foundation. Lead your heart to spiritual understanding. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 Believing In The Impossible This book from Spiritual Illumination Series is dedicated to my sister-in-law, Wilda, who I love so much, who helps me face every serious battle and always there; but always ready for next battle. Thank You From My Heart! Also dedicated to Our Heavenly Father, Jesus! Without Him We Are Nothing! Faith Moves All Mountains
Rocks may tumble off your life wall. Torrents may drench your innocent body. Roads may become blocked with sludge of iniquity, But faith moves all these mountains! Your every footstep might entrap you in quicksand, Threatening to pull you in its undertow. Your will seems to falter under the continuous strain, Immersing you in bittersweet tears each hour. When the world seems to be collapsing, Your feet feel like they are concreted in stone. It is time to reach out with your helpless hand, Grasping the walls of hope instead. Know Your Lord watches overs you! You need not fear the bridles of apprehension. Let not the life vine entangle you with deceit. Look toward Jesus waiting for your call. Faith moves all mountains in your life, Sweeping away the perilous predators, Threatening to strike the innocent mind. You are never alone to face the cliffs too high. Rocks may tumble off your life wall. Torrents may drench your innocent body. Roads may become blocked with sludge of iniquity, But faith moves all these mountains! Look toward the spiritual light of healing! Jesus waits to carry you over the searing flames. Helping you to survive any hazardous storms brewing. With His love all obstacles are forever removed. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2015 Faith Moves All Mountains This book is dedicated to my Brewer grandchildren, who love my poetry, who I love so much, who goes through so much sickness but always ready for the next battle. My Molly, who wants to be God's Poet too love ya muahhhhh. My Gifts from Heaven Also dedicated to Our Heavenly Father, Jesus! Without Him We Are Nothing! With Him Everything! May His Loving Angels Always Watch Over You!
Cling To Him
You feel helpless in your life, Letting dismay and fear rule your home hearth. Every pain leads you more on the dismal pathway! Cling To Him for your every needful moment, Let His loving kisses seed your aching body. Feel His love surround you in adoration. Lean Not On The Pedestal Of defiance. Let Him give you the knowledge to heal. Listen to His pious words and rise above anger. Cling To Him in every financial, emotional, and physical need. Let not stress become your ruling foundation, Look toward the light for spiritual reprieve! No destination is wrought in stone to protect! Only His grace can hold the future, Without it you will become lost in the black smog. Cling To Him for His mercy will set you free, Bonding you to the most powerful love of Heaven, He will lead you on the ultimate Journey of life. When You feel the need to quit on life, Say a prayer to Him, Who is the master of all His children! He will set you free from fate’s bondage with His love. Cling To Him for He is mighty and strong! No iniquities are greater then His gift of penance, The Great Shepherd watches over His flock. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2013 Cling To Him This book is dedicated to my daughter, Katrin, who I love so much, who goes through so much afflictions but always ready for next battle. Also dedicated to Our Heavenly Father, Jesus! Without Him We Are Nothing! With Him Everything! On My Knees Lord
Lord, I offer my entire being, Needing you so much in my life. I reach out my loving arms to invite you always, To hold me close and near. When my day brings me sorrow and pain, Life has given me another burden to bear. This is when I need you to hold me more, Giving me Your guidance to follow always. I give you all my gratitude, For always setting me straight, When I veer from Your chosen pathway, You give me your knowledgeable thoughts. When emotional trials threaten my balance, My world seem to be sinking in a quicksand, You pick me up from the ashes, That threatened to immerse me in a flaming bed. On my knees, Lord I bequeath you my whole body, Giving You my hands to control, My heart to use in Your ministry, And my mind to guide others to You! Amen! Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 My Father’s Loving Eyes Written for my Sissy, Ann, Who I love very much. I never got to spend much time with her when young. She is so special to me. Love Ya Sissy! Always Know Our Savior Is Watching Over Us Always! Forever I Am In His Arms
Forever I have chosen My Lord as my parent, To guide me o’er the roughest roads, I know I will endure in my humanity. Forever I will look to Him for every hug, Letting not dismay conquer me, Even when the saddest times come. Forever I will seek His healing balm, When I become so lost in sickness, He will always hold me close in His heart. Forever I will never be isolated in this cruel world, Knowing His love will cover me, With His blanket of faith and hope. Forever I Am In His Protecting Arms, Sheltered from the torrential storms threatening. His sword will keep the perils away! Forever I am with My Savior, Wearing His armor through my entire day. I know He is my warrior against all that preys. Amen Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 My Father’s Loving Eyes Written for my Sissy, Ann, Who I love very much. I never got to spend much time with her when young. She is so special to me. Love Ya Sissy! Always Know Our Savior Is Watching Over Us Always! Just The Fragrance Of God
Just the fragrance of God, Swoons my sorrowful heart with His sweet incenses, Giving my ailing body rejuvenation of my spirit, Helping me to rise above the dredges of life. His essence restores all the imbalances in my life. When I become to weary to walk, He gives me the strength to run in His illumination, Giving me His sacred fruits for my nourishment. I am not ever hungry in spirit just body, His love nurtures me with dedication and care, Giving me His understanding of my life, When my emotional mind fails to comprehend. His bountiful harvest feeds the hunger in me, With His grain of righteousness I am made whole, Giving me the blessings of His eternal life, He lets me not become isolated in fear. Just the fragrance of God, Swoons my sorrowful heart with His sweet incenses, Giving my ailing body rejuvenation of my spirit, Leading me beyond the domination of the lost. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 My Father’s Loving Eyes Written for my Sissy, Ann, Who I love very much. I never got to spend much time with her when young. She is so special to me. Love Ya Sissy! Always Know Our Savior Is Watching Over Us Always! REFLECTIONS OF A POET
Traveling a world of exhilaration, a bridge of incidents cloud the mind. Parchment is a cherished gift, a page of the past, present, and future lined. The cowboy politician, lawyer and nurse are just a few views of the poet’s vision. Each verse is written within the Lord with delicate precision. Rain forests, meadows, rivers, and lakes are places to explore. Every animal, object, and trees is a symbol of natural love, yearn to touch more. All can cherish and travel to the world, weaved by the reflection of a poet. The pen is an arrow to pierce the most doubtful heart, emotions, inset. Reflections of a poet can take your mind faraway places. To India, China, Vietnam, and America, poetry sets the various paces. Cycling through life verse is intended to add a stepping stone, Making the reader have a realm of his own. Looking into the lives of people, seaming a tale to enchant the world, Illuminating the civilization with poetic love, unfurled. Traveling a world of exhilaration, a bridge of incidents cloud the mind. Parchment is a cherished gift, a page of the past, present, and future lined. Dorothy E. Scott ©Copyrighted 2000-2015 Reflections Of A Poet |
So many lives have been destroyed by the recent hurricanes but I know Our Father’s Eyes is watching over them. I wrote this for dear Sis Kathy (Bud) and others facing the storm I met online.
Here is a special prayer I wrote today for all hurricane victims and those facing another battering time of it. I know God is so great and all prayers are heard. Here is my prayer for the suffering in these deadly storms. Love Ya Muahhhhhhhh Poet Dorothy HEAR OUR DESPERATE PLEA Heavenly Father, Hear our desperate Plea, As we face the twisting winds and water of destruction. Hold your arms about us in the torrential rains, Placing Your angels around us to protect. Through the storm hold Your arms about us, Shielding us from the falling debris. Protect our homes and buildings, As the cyclonic air seeks to destroy. Comfort us through the worst, Send us hope through every second. Help us to know and believe, You are always watching over us all. Hear our desperate Plea, As we face the twisting winds and water of destruction. Hear our voices lift You up in prayer, Knowing You are Our Father, Protector Of Us All. Amen. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2014 My Father’s Loving Eyes Written for my Sissy, Ann, Who I love very much. I never got to spend much time with her when young. She is so special to me. Love Ya Sissy! Always Know Our Savior Is Watching Over Us Always! Our Jesus We Love Thee!
Thanks For All The Blessings In Our Lives! Pray For Our Warriors And Their Families!
Remember Our Veterans And Their Families Too.
Pray for all of them suffering from the cost of our freedom! |
My Bythehandofgod walker that carries me everywhere I go with
Jesus, carrying me over the roughest spots!
Both Are My Faith Walkers!
Leaning On The Crutch Of True Life
Though your footsteps be weary,
Reach out your hand I will be there!
It’s okay My Child, My hand will steady you!
None but Your Father can be your crutch of true life.
Lean on my strength to make each step,
Feel my love emanating from My heart.
You are not alone in your dismay,
My spiritual smile will comfort you.
You are never alone, My Child, I hold you!
Let not the fear belittle your mind.
Your each step may be difficult to achieve.
You may feel a penetrating pain in each walk.
Call out My name and rejoice for healing of soul, spirit, and body.
Sometimes the road seems so torturous without light,
Yet you must journey on this pathway,
I will enlighten your path with hope and faith.
Sometimes your mind wants to give up on life.
I will guide you with the knowledge needed!
Do Not Be Afraid, My Child!
You are leaning on the crutch of true life!
Dorothy E. Scott
© Copyrighted 2015
Leaning On The Crutch Of True Life
Dedicated to my online sis from the U.K. Estella Sis, who I love very much.
(God's Handicapped Book) Dedicated to my Mass. daughter, Tammi, who lost all her limbs and rose again to conquer using prosthetics but died year later! I love your courage and willpower daughter!
Jesus, carrying me over the roughest spots!
Both Are My Faith Walkers!
Leaning On The Crutch Of True Life
Though your footsteps be weary,
Reach out your hand I will be there!
It’s okay My Child, My hand will steady you!
None but Your Father can be your crutch of true life.
Lean on my strength to make each step,
Feel my love emanating from My heart.
You are not alone in your dismay,
My spiritual smile will comfort you.
You are never alone, My Child, I hold you!
Let not the fear belittle your mind.
Your each step may be difficult to achieve.
You may feel a penetrating pain in each walk.
Call out My name and rejoice for healing of soul, spirit, and body.
Sometimes the road seems so torturous without light,
Yet you must journey on this pathway,
I will enlighten your path with hope and faith.
Sometimes your mind wants to give up on life.
I will guide you with the knowledge needed!
Do Not Be Afraid, My Child!
You are leaning on the crutch of true life!
Dorothy E. Scott
© Copyrighted 2015
Leaning On The Crutch Of True Life
Dedicated to my online sis from the U.K. Estella Sis, who I love very much.
(God's Handicapped Book) Dedicated to my Mass. daughter, Tammi, who lost all her limbs and rose again to conquer using prosthetics but died year later! I love your courage and willpower daughter!