Dedication To All His Unsung Heroes
Lately the world is crying from so many deaths from a virus we can't stop. We have the most dedicated medical warriors on the front-line, Nurses, Doctors, E.M.Ts, Firemen, Police, and all medical heroes in the hospital and out. Many working heroes risking their lives serving us with groceries, food to the elderly, and etc for the needy. Many warriors in this pandemic are facing gut wrenching decisions. No jobs, small businesses shutdown, and people suffering from hunger and homelessness. All governors, toeing the line on this pandemic not those refusing stay at home decrees, Governor Cuomo and his suffering brother Chris too should be honored in Jesus and my new book. Governor Abbot, our Texas Governor is a mighty warrior in our state. He prepared our state for this pandemic in every way. Ty Governor Abbott for your caring, love, and dedication. In 2016 I was asked to write this book for the true heroes in the world, who risk their lives. It is now revised for our warriors, Earth Angel Heroes, in this pandemic battle. Right now our medical teams, janitors, lab, xray, and all are risking their lives, and many are dying because lack of protective gear. Please pray for our true heroes on the front-line the ones who deserve the greatest medals of freedom. They are forced to see their patients die without family. Tired feet and burdened hearts they bear! This book is to honor all the heroes and my Brewer Family, who have taught me the true gift I can give to the world. They adopted me and honor me a lot. I love You All! The World Biblical Foundation asked me do this book in honor of your dedication but since the pandemic, I see many heroes in this battle; that we didn't realize are true American heroes too. Every dedicated grocery attendant, store clerk, truck driver, and food deliverer that is helping and risking their lives in this pandemic.
People in our own county not self distancing, no mask, and even Walmart not protecting there employees with masks. How can we stop this pandemic if our stores don't protect either. I am a wounded warrior Chaplain and for soldiers overseas my Chaplain boss was on a respirator; still needs our prayers. he was a P.O.W. in the War. His story is on here in my books and on this website. Help those without masks to find a way and those selfish to realize; without them our country will continually die.
The other day I was in acute care with symptoms all but the fever but no pneumonia was detected, blamed it on bronchitis and copd. I was told to take an over counter med which cause me comas, though a critically sick veteran I was refused the test. I traveled over 220 miles away to Temple V.A. hospital, when my doctor asked me go get evaluated. I am so badly sick, knowing I have no doctor to save me, and if go back it will be same thing again. Since then my throat has swelled more and this strange sickness has invaded my tongue in back too, so ill that I pray my very ill body can take this. I pray every morning, evening and night for all of you. Stay safe. How many of us will die because cdc, your hospital, or the veteran hospital is blocking us the right for a test? They tested me for the flu telling me if worsen come back. I am suffering and can't breath and no fever at time, but now I do. I lean on only Jesus to be my healer through it all! Other veterans I talk to are testing positive after being in acute care and rejected the test. No Test can mean the life of a veteran 200 miles away and so sick , Hard to breath, sore throat aches and pain and I had tests, burning lungs etc not even given iv. I saw a P.A, who denied me my Covid test. They did flu which was negative. I have over 38 diseases and conditions. Each minute is a miracle to me. My heart has been ablated. diabetes and etc. Prinzmetal Angina, the rarest form in the world but I was denied the test. The problem is there's no tests in rural so lots can have and never know it. Texas has so many but if they truly tested all. There would be many more. We have no drive through testing. I am a veteran and veteran hospitals are over 220 miles away and Dallas same and Ft. Worth 120 miles away. The city is overflowing with coronavirus patients. My neurosurgeon is in Ft. Worth and offered us the test when I visited him this month for my brain tumor but he is national guard and probably a hero on the front line. Our warriors and national guard are joining this mighty fight. They are truly a blessing to our war torn countries.
Our veterans need your prayers with acute care; which denies us a simple test, a test that could mean life or death to sick veterans. I am currently waiting to remove a deadly meningioma on my brain on major blood vessel of my brain, while the real heroes in the world do everything for their patients. CDC blocks all getting a test. South Korea gives all and that is only way we will fight this tragedy. Young people are dying and denied the test till it is almost too late. Until the CDC and President Trump sees the need of tests for all. Many of us will die, never knowing if we died from the virus or just our critically ill diseases; but Jesus is not the blame. Man is to blame, refusing to use the guidelines, saving others. They are selfish and care not to save others even themselves, refusing masks and not self distancing. Trump is a super spreader downplaying the tragic pandemic. Government is. Jesus didn't cause this China got from animals and didn't reveal soon enough. Doctors let me down and letting all of you down; but Jesus He won't let you down. This was not His punishment or meant to be inflicted by His hand. He is weeping and crying from this too. He hurts when we hurt. He feels your tears of all warriors. he will never let ya down. Lean on Him and feel His Love it is eternal and freely given. Man denies you this test but Jesus holds you close. I see on Facebook hogwash about Jesus, causing this from anger. No He loves us and would never destroy His children in such a manner. Each day I will write a poem for this book. By three months I will have book done, an honor for all the heroes, fighting on the front-line with flimsy armor to protect them. I won't let my readers down. I am making a honorary poem for our warriors fighting this unseen enemy war, giving their lives for their fellow comrades. their lives are in danger. Please do what ya can! Pray for the people with businesses and families out of work. The people are losing homes from eviction, Hurricanes, and fires while our officials squabble. No help from any democrat or republican to ease our burdens. Trump is super spreading his lies and his endangerment of all families!
Please wear masks and protect our country! Pray for all our medical warriors and all world heroes! Pray for the family of the sick and dying. Pray For Jesus' warriors, Chaplains, Pastors, Pope, Priests and all needed to give peace to the world. Pray For Our World! Pray for the ignorant people, blaming others for this pandemic. This pandemic will win if we let hysteria rule our foundation, precarious from the onslaught of this pandemic. We must stand together, staying at home and wearing masks to protect others, knowing we are the winners. Jesus and I have already the 50 poems for this book. it will be a book to honor all of the doctors nurses, and all on the front-line and all heroes, who protect us in many ways. Jesus is so proud of you all. Thank You for your dedication to our country and also for your sacrifice for the patients, who can't be with their families. Many years I have been asked make so much poetry in many occasions. This was asked from The World Foundation to honor earth heroes but now I am honoring our front-line heroes. they fight for us weary and sick from the virus themselves. Poet Dorothy E. Scott Loves you All Muahh! I pray for a miracle in our country and your lives. Know Jesus Is There In This Book And Your Lives I talked to people treated same their family has died. How can an accurate number be shown if they are not testing all. Our Veteran Affairs tells us if critical risk get tested but when ya get there ya might as well stay home, long drive to be told quarantine and if worse come back. I am told others are getting the same. our veterans in our county must drive 220 miles for any help or more, only be rejected not treated fairly.
His Worldly Healing May It Be Done!
I pray every morning, evening and night for all of you. Stay safe. Our precious warriors and national guard are joining this mighty fight. They are truly a blessing to our war torn countries.
Stop the ignorance, suffering, and death!
Make the world, endangering lives, see this is a war we can only win if they social distance!
May Jesus Watch Over You All And Remember There Is Power Always In His Badge!
I Love You All Poet Dorothy And Father Jesus Dedicates This Book To You All!
Let's Win This War All! God Bless Ya All Muahh!
Lately the world is crying from so many deaths from a virus we can't stop. We have the most dedicated medical warriors on the front-line, Nurses, Doctors, E.M.Ts, Firemen, Police, and all medical heroes in the hospital and out. Many working heroes risking their lives serving us with groceries, food to the elderly, and etc for the needy. Many warriors in this pandemic are facing gut wrenching decisions. No jobs, small businesses shutdown, and people suffering from hunger and homelessness. All governors, toeing the line on this pandemic not those refusing stay at home decrees, Governor Cuomo and his suffering brother Chris too should be honored in Jesus and my new book. Governor Abbot, our Texas Governor is a mighty warrior in our state. He prepared our state for this pandemic in every way. Ty Governor Abbott for your caring, love, and dedication. In 2016 I was asked to write this book for the true heroes in the world, who risk their lives. It is now revised for our warriors, Earth Angel Heroes, in this pandemic battle. Right now our medical teams, janitors, lab, xray, and all are risking their lives, and many are dying because lack of protective gear. Please pray for our true heroes on the front-line the ones who deserve the greatest medals of freedom. They are forced to see their patients die without family. Tired feet and burdened hearts they bear! This book is to honor all the heroes and my Brewer Family, who have taught me the true gift I can give to the world. They adopted me and honor me a lot. I love You All! The World Biblical Foundation asked me do this book in honor of your dedication but since the pandemic, I see many heroes in this battle; that we didn't realize are true American heroes too. Every dedicated grocery attendant, store clerk, truck driver, and food deliverer that is helping and risking their lives in this pandemic.
People in our own county not self distancing, no mask, and even Walmart not protecting there employees with masks. How can we stop this pandemic if our stores don't protect either. I am a wounded warrior Chaplain and for soldiers overseas my Chaplain boss was on a respirator; still needs our prayers. he was a P.O.W. in the War. His story is on here in my books and on this website. Help those without masks to find a way and those selfish to realize; without them our country will continually die.
The other day I was in acute care with symptoms all but the fever but no pneumonia was detected, blamed it on bronchitis and copd. I was told to take an over counter med which cause me comas, though a critically sick veteran I was refused the test. I traveled over 220 miles away to Temple V.A. hospital, when my doctor asked me go get evaluated. I am so badly sick, knowing I have no doctor to save me, and if go back it will be same thing again. Since then my throat has swelled more and this strange sickness has invaded my tongue in back too, so ill that I pray my very ill body can take this. I pray every morning, evening and night for all of you. Stay safe. How many of us will die because cdc, your hospital, or the veteran hospital is blocking us the right for a test? They tested me for the flu telling me if worsen come back. I am suffering and can't breath and no fever at time, but now I do. I lean on only Jesus to be my healer through it all! Other veterans I talk to are testing positive after being in acute care and rejected the test. No Test can mean the life of a veteran 200 miles away and so sick , Hard to breath, sore throat aches and pain and I had tests, burning lungs etc not even given iv. I saw a P.A, who denied me my Covid test. They did flu which was negative. I have over 38 diseases and conditions. Each minute is a miracle to me. My heart has been ablated. diabetes and etc. Prinzmetal Angina, the rarest form in the world but I was denied the test. The problem is there's no tests in rural so lots can have and never know it. Texas has so many but if they truly tested all. There would be many more. We have no drive through testing. I am a veteran and veteran hospitals are over 220 miles away and Dallas same and Ft. Worth 120 miles away. The city is overflowing with coronavirus patients. My neurosurgeon is in Ft. Worth and offered us the test when I visited him this month for my brain tumor but he is national guard and probably a hero on the front line. Our warriors and national guard are joining this mighty fight. They are truly a blessing to our war torn countries.
Our veterans need your prayers with acute care; which denies us a simple test, a test that could mean life or death to sick veterans. I am currently waiting to remove a deadly meningioma on my brain on major blood vessel of my brain, while the real heroes in the world do everything for their patients. CDC blocks all getting a test. South Korea gives all and that is only way we will fight this tragedy. Young people are dying and denied the test till it is almost too late. Until the CDC and President Trump sees the need of tests for all. Many of us will die, never knowing if we died from the virus or just our critically ill diseases; but Jesus is not the blame. Man is to blame, refusing to use the guidelines, saving others. They are selfish and care not to save others even themselves, refusing masks and not self distancing. Trump is a super spreader downplaying the tragic pandemic. Government is. Jesus didn't cause this China got from animals and didn't reveal soon enough. Doctors let me down and letting all of you down; but Jesus He won't let you down. This was not His punishment or meant to be inflicted by His hand. He is weeping and crying from this too. He hurts when we hurt. He feels your tears of all warriors. he will never let ya down. Lean on Him and feel His Love it is eternal and freely given. Man denies you this test but Jesus holds you close. I see on Facebook hogwash about Jesus, causing this from anger. No He loves us and would never destroy His children in such a manner. Each day I will write a poem for this book. By three months I will have book done, an honor for all the heroes, fighting on the front-line with flimsy armor to protect them. I won't let my readers down. I am making a honorary poem for our warriors fighting this unseen enemy war, giving their lives for their fellow comrades. their lives are in danger. Please do what ya can! Pray for the people with businesses and families out of work. The people are losing homes from eviction, Hurricanes, and fires while our officials squabble. No help from any democrat or republican to ease our burdens. Trump is super spreading his lies and his endangerment of all families!
Please wear masks and protect our country! Pray for all our medical warriors and all world heroes! Pray for the family of the sick and dying. Pray For Jesus' warriors, Chaplains, Pastors, Pope, Priests and all needed to give peace to the world. Pray For Our World! Pray for the ignorant people, blaming others for this pandemic. This pandemic will win if we let hysteria rule our foundation, precarious from the onslaught of this pandemic. We must stand together, staying at home and wearing masks to protect others, knowing we are the winners. Jesus and I have already the 50 poems for this book. it will be a book to honor all of the doctors nurses, and all on the front-line and all heroes, who protect us in many ways. Jesus is so proud of you all. Thank You for your dedication to our country and also for your sacrifice for the patients, who can't be with their families. Many years I have been asked make so much poetry in many occasions. This was asked from The World Foundation to honor earth heroes but now I am honoring our front-line heroes. they fight for us weary and sick from the virus themselves. Poet Dorothy E. Scott Loves you All Muahh! I pray for a miracle in our country and your lives. Know Jesus Is There In This Book And Your Lives I talked to people treated same their family has died. How can an accurate number be shown if they are not testing all. Our Veteran Affairs tells us if critical risk get tested but when ya get there ya might as well stay home, long drive to be told quarantine and if worse come back. I am told others are getting the same. our veterans in our county must drive 220 miles for any help or more, only be rejected not treated fairly.
His Worldly Healing May It Be Done!
I pray every morning, evening and night for all of you. Stay safe. Our precious warriors and national guard are joining this mighty fight. They are truly a blessing to our war torn countries.
Stop the ignorance, suffering, and death!
Make the world, endangering lives, see this is a war we can only win if they social distance!
May Jesus Watch Over You All And Remember There Is Power Always In His Badge!
I Love You All Poet Dorothy And Father Jesus Dedicates This Book To You All!
Let's Win This War All! God Bless Ya All Muahh!
I wear My Mask and I have no air but right of my face due to complete opacification left sinuses. I want to stay safe Like Biden! Please stay safe too! This was given by triage but I wear my flag one with carbon filters and I help ones in my towns in danger of contact. Jesus is keeping me alive. I have so much sickness right now but wanted share my new book for the world and I will dedicate to Biden.
Trump is killing your families and the children, by not asking, making fun of a scared torn world for wearing masks. He is downplaying the risks and leading the ignorant to believe no worse then flu. All my life I was bullied by family and by the schoolchildren! I am critically sick disabled veteran and professional poet, who asks you to keep all of us safe. Many of our wounded warriors have died and worse of all Trump hid it from the world and doesn't even pay taxes like he should. Many attending Trump's rallies and get together will die or hold the noose for another, who doesn't deserve to die, innocent of this pandemic. Please Don't Allow someone like me to die! I have cast my vote week ago for Biden because he isn't hurting people but trying to heal! My heart hates the racism, and the hurt of the world. I did away with the book His Power In His Badge because of the world hate and unrest. Father Jesus is crying right now! What happened to His children, caring for their neighbor? I was diagnosed with the rarest heart disease in 2000 and given 4 months to live. I was comaing every minute but I went to college and got my diploma and online to become a Christian Counselor, and since then I have finished 184 books, Christian books, children, and many genre, not counting the thousands of special poems for the world. I will continue to give Jesus and my poetry to all of you till it my heavenly time. This book is a gift of Father Jesus and I for your loving dedication and to all Unsung Heroes, self distancing and wearing masks and not scoffing for protecting ourselves as a football player protects himself from harm in a game. We have only one Father to dictate our worth and His requests, Father Jesus is the guardian and boss and not Trump, who cares only for himself and not the world. People need you to support them not betray them with Covid-19. China built this to destroy the world. Communist leaders not Jesus! He wants us to heal in so many ways so we can fight this pandemic together. He sacrificed Himself for you and your families; so we wouldn't have to hurt and for our freedom. This pandemic is destroying our population in so many ways and He is helpless to heal us all! Many let evil intentions choose their future not leaning on His grace and His love to get us through! Man's Ignorance And Lack Of Caution Will Be Our Country's Downfall And The World! Trump is laughing off all the questions, thinking not paying taxes because of loss right. In my opinion He betrayed the country and should be impeached. He and Pence can twitter as a civilians and let a real team run this country, healing us all. We will continually die under this pandemic. No vaccine is going to stop this made by China. Flu vaccines lessen not stop! I had flu after i had vaccine.
Trump is killing your families and the children, by not asking, making fun of a scared torn world for wearing masks. He is downplaying the risks and leading the ignorant to believe no worse then flu. All my life I was bullied by family and by the schoolchildren! I am critically sick disabled veteran and professional poet, who asks you to keep all of us safe. Many of our wounded warriors have died and worse of all Trump hid it from the world and doesn't even pay taxes like he should. Many attending Trump's rallies and get together will die or hold the noose for another, who doesn't deserve to die, innocent of this pandemic. Please Don't Allow someone like me to die! I have cast my vote week ago for Biden because he isn't hurting people but trying to heal! My heart hates the racism, and the hurt of the world. I did away with the book His Power In His Badge because of the world hate and unrest. Father Jesus is crying right now! What happened to His children, caring for their neighbor? I was diagnosed with the rarest heart disease in 2000 and given 4 months to live. I was comaing every minute but I went to college and got my diploma and online to become a Christian Counselor, and since then I have finished 184 books, Christian books, children, and many genre, not counting the thousands of special poems for the world. I will continue to give Jesus and my poetry to all of you till it my heavenly time. This book is a gift of Father Jesus and I for your loving dedication and to all Unsung Heroes, self distancing and wearing masks and not scoffing for protecting ourselves as a football player protects himself from harm in a game. We have only one Father to dictate our worth and His requests, Father Jesus is the guardian and boss and not Trump, who cares only for himself and not the world. People need you to support them not betray them with Covid-19. China built this to destroy the world. Communist leaders not Jesus! He wants us to heal in so many ways so we can fight this pandemic together. He sacrificed Himself for you and your families; so we wouldn't have to hurt and for our freedom. This pandemic is destroying our population in so many ways and He is helpless to heal us all! Many let evil intentions choose their future not leaning on His grace and His love to get us through! Man's Ignorance And Lack Of Caution Will Be Our Country's Downfall And The World! Trump is laughing off all the questions, thinking not paying taxes because of loss right. In my opinion He betrayed the country and should be impeached. He and Pence can twitter as a civilians and let a real team run this country, healing us all. We will continually die under this pandemic. No vaccine is going to stop this made by China. Flu vaccines lessen not stop! I had flu after i had vaccine.
His Unsung Heroes
His Unsung Heroes bring sweet salvation to us all,
Braving unknown perilous pathways in this pandemic,
Bringing us spiritual and physical healing, necessities, and our mail,
Not knowing if the parasitic invasion is lurking within.
What does it take to be His Unsung Hero in this time?
Love, compassion, and caring is the ultimate gift, given,
Knowing Jesus is the Healing Savior,
Never letting anyone down in this journey.
His Unsung Heroes bring sweet salvation to us all,
Braving unknown perilous pathways in this pandemic,
Bringing us spiritual and physical healing, necessities, and our mail,
Not knowing if the parasitic invasion is lurking within.
What does it take to be His Unsung Hero in this time?
Love, compassion, and caring is the ultimate gift, given,
Knowing Jesus is the Healing Savior,
Never letting anyone down in this journey.
Spirit Of Our Jesus Lead Us Through It All (Covid-19 Prayer)
Father Jesus, The world needs Your loving hands,
Holding the fearful, sick, crying, and the hopelessly lost.
Many families are without income in this terrifying pandemic;
While others are the earth angel heroes on the front-lines.
The families of the casualties of this perilous war,
Left grieving without the answers of this deadly virus,
Lurking in the shadows and daylight on the unknowing person,
Spreading the tiny particles of the virus on many things.
Imbedding its deadly viral infliction in the innocent,
Leaving no citizens safe from its torturous fingers,
Entering our war torn bodies with its malicious intent,
Invading us with its viral infection nodules.
The sick coronavirus patients call out in desperation to The Lord.
Spirit Of Jesus, the world needs Your healing and understanding.
They must walk Your hallowed pathway,
Avoiding many obstacles along the way.
The world has to realize the severity of situation,
People will die without our intervention all,
Wearing masks to prevent the deadly spread of the virus,
Sending a death seeking missile to our helpless bodies.
Many earth angel heroes are sacrificing their lives on the front-line,
Needing Your comforting protective arms,
Wielding away the deadly darts of these life threatening aliens,
Seeking refuge in our respiratory tracts and lungs.
Spirit Of Jesus, Give us the strength to bear the mighty whiplash;
Till the government finds a cure and vaccine for the Covid-19 invader.
Help all the fearful citizens be tested without restrictions,
Giving us the needed weapons to win this tearful battle.
Threatening all people with its death sentence of betrayal,
The coronavirus will continue to repopulate.
Oh Lord, Without Your direct intervention,
Our world will never see our weapon in this battle will be us!
Ease the suffering of the sick, grieving, and the earth angel heroes,
Working without protective gear to heal the less fortunate patients;
While others supply the needy with their essential duties,
Wearing a cloth mask with little to themselves.
Father Jesus, Give us the hope to endure all the obstacles,
Faced during this daunting and tragic pandemic,
Bringing us to lose so many of our assets;
By the unseen microscopic enemy invading the world.
Ease the tears of the earth angel heroes fighting helplessly,
Without the protective armor to shield the artillery of the disease.
Facing all odds they must bear the failure to heal all,
Yet give hope to the dying and the weaker patients.
Spirit Of Jesus, Give the world hope to see this battle through,
Knowing by comradeship we can over come all.
Show us to do our part so all can heal during this viral tempest,
Keeping all of Your children safe in this pandemic.
Spirit Of Our Jesus Lead Us Through It All!
We need Your broad shoulders to carry us through!
Help us realize in this perilous war the needed artillery,
Your prayer and distancing can work many miracles.
Give us the knowledge to help others.
No one needs be alone in this terrible battle.
Help us to wear masks to deter the deadly infection,
Threatening Your precious family with death and sorrowful circumstance.
Father Jesus, We pray for all the sick, grieving, hurting, and all earth angel heroes!
Give them Your strength and Your comfort through this turbulent war,
Feeding the struggling world your hope and guidance.
Keep Us In Your Loving Arms Through This Perilous Journey!
In Our Father’s Name We ask for so much in this pandemic. Father Jesus.
Keep Your loving arms about the world; as we grieve, fight, and withstand the fiery darts of this viral devastation, giving us hope to see the end soon by relying on, The Power In Your Badge!
It Will Be Done!
Dorothy E. Scott
© Copyrighted 2020 Pandemic Time
His Unsung Heroes
Special dedication is to Father Jesus, who watches over all in every place in the pandemic and my partner, Father Jesus, in all we save!
This book is dedicated to the earth angel heroes, during this pandemic and in life, especially my family,
willing to save an innocent child; while endangering their own lives. All families and individuals are my heroes for wearing their masks and losing so much. I dedicate to all heroes fighting this pandemic with love and hope without artillery but their love and caring, giving up their jobs, helping the world.
They truly carry His badge in their work. This is dedicated to the world for helping each other.
Thank You and I love you, “All Earth Angel Heroes!” We will win this pandemic with His Power In His Badge and your patience and endurance!
Father Jesus, The world needs Your loving hands,
Holding the fearful, sick, crying, and the hopelessly lost.
Many families are without income in this terrifying pandemic;
While others are the earth angel heroes on the front-lines.
The families of the casualties of this perilous war,
Left grieving without the answers of this deadly virus,
Lurking in the shadows and daylight on the unknowing person,
Spreading the tiny particles of the virus on many things.
Imbedding its deadly viral infliction in the innocent,
Leaving no citizens safe from its torturous fingers,
Entering our war torn bodies with its malicious intent,
Invading us with its viral infection nodules.
The sick coronavirus patients call out in desperation to The Lord.
Spirit Of Jesus, the world needs Your healing and understanding.
They must walk Your hallowed pathway,
Avoiding many obstacles along the way.
The world has to realize the severity of situation,
People will die without our intervention all,
Wearing masks to prevent the deadly spread of the virus,
Sending a death seeking missile to our helpless bodies.
Many earth angel heroes are sacrificing their lives on the front-line,
Needing Your comforting protective arms,
Wielding away the deadly darts of these life threatening aliens,
Seeking refuge in our respiratory tracts and lungs.
Spirit Of Jesus, Give us the strength to bear the mighty whiplash;
Till the government finds a cure and vaccine for the Covid-19 invader.
Help all the fearful citizens be tested without restrictions,
Giving us the needed weapons to win this tearful battle.
Threatening all people with its death sentence of betrayal,
The coronavirus will continue to repopulate.
Oh Lord, Without Your direct intervention,
Our world will never see our weapon in this battle will be us!
Ease the suffering of the sick, grieving, and the earth angel heroes,
Working without protective gear to heal the less fortunate patients;
While others supply the needy with their essential duties,
Wearing a cloth mask with little to themselves.
Father Jesus, Give us the hope to endure all the obstacles,
Faced during this daunting and tragic pandemic,
Bringing us to lose so many of our assets;
By the unseen microscopic enemy invading the world.
Ease the tears of the earth angel heroes fighting helplessly,
Without the protective armor to shield the artillery of the disease.
Facing all odds they must bear the failure to heal all,
Yet give hope to the dying and the weaker patients.
Spirit Of Jesus, Give the world hope to see this battle through,
Knowing by comradeship we can over come all.
Show us to do our part so all can heal during this viral tempest,
Keeping all of Your children safe in this pandemic.
Spirit Of Our Jesus Lead Us Through It All!
We need Your broad shoulders to carry us through!
Help us realize in this perilous war the needed artillery,
Your prayer and distancing can work many miracles.
Give us the knowledge to help others.
No one needs be alone in this terrible battle.
Help us to wear masks to deter the deadly infection,
Threatening Your precious family with death and sorrowful circumstance.
Father Jesus, We pray for all the sick, grieving, hurting, and all earth angel heroes!
Give them Your strength and Your comfort through this turbulent war,
Feeding the struggling world your hope and guidance.
Keep Us In Your Loving Arms Through This Perilous Journey!
In Our Father’s Name We ask for so much in this pandemic. Father Jesus.
Keep Your loving arms about the world; as we grieve, fight, and withstand the fiery darts of this viral devastation, giving us hope to see the end soon by relying on, The Power In Your Badge!
It Will Be Done!
Dorothy E. Scott
© Copyrighted 2020 Pandemic Time
His Unsung Heroes
Special dedication is to Father Jesus, who watches over all in every place in the pandemic and my partner, Father Jesus, in all we save!
This book is dedicated to the earth angel heroes, during this pandemic and in life, especially my family,
willing to save an innocent child; while endangering their own lives. All families and individuals are my heroes for wearing their masks and losing so much. I dedicate to all heroes fighting this pandemic with love and hope without artillery but their love and caring, giving up their jobs, helping the world.
They truly carry His badge in their work. This is dedicated to the world for helping each other.
Thank You and I love you, “All Earth Angel Heroes!” We will win this pandemic with His Power In His Badge and your patience and endurance!
Courage comes through Jesus and the heart! Countless lives are lost each year by saving another in their chosen occupation or civilian heroes, courageous, powered by His spiritual badge. Many heroes carry no pocketbook, just their loving heart. the courage is inside of them, a light that never goes out! Their families too make the sacrifice, losing their precious loved ones in the fight.
The Power In His Badge
Chaos reigns in the unstable streets during this pandemic, Leaving the ultimate devastation in its wake. Death would always be the victor, Without the dedicated personnel, Living in the power of His badge. Sirens can be heard in the distance, Racing to another emergency to aid. They are ready to face any situation arising, Never knowing what tragedy or death, they must face, Dedicating their careers to heal the innocent during the pandemic. Criminals are the vile population, Nesting with their demonic behavior, Leading their victims to a precarious edge. The law enforcement officers risk their lives, Protecting their cities at all times in many ways! The paramedics, E.M.Ts, and medical warriors are prepared to save lives. Medically they are the lifeline of humanity, Their knowledge helps to conquer death and pain. Mentally they must face every sorrowful moment, Accepting there are many obstacles beyond their healing reach. A raging fire has entrapped innocent people, sheltered from the pandemic, With its fiery flames destroying all. The fire personal must rescue the victims, Endangering their own lives with the virus and the fire, Putting the well-being of the population first. Many different earth angel heroes lean on the power in His badge, Giving them faith and hope in every job. They rely on His strength to withstand the penetrating darts of sickness and tragedy, Doing risky jobs needed to medically heal another invaded patient, Being tortured by the viral flames of a devastating pandemic. The doctors, nurses, and all medical personnel must face the deadliest war. Their tears saturate their face masks, Weary from the onslaught of new patients, Giving hope and comfort to their ill patients Facing the deadliest peril in the pandemic battle. Dorothy E. Scott © Copyrighted 2020 Pandemic Time His Unsung Heroes This book is dedicated to the earth angel heroes, during this pandemic and in life, especially my family, willing to save an innocent child; while endangering their own lives. They truly carry His badge in their work. This is dedicated to the world for helping each other. Thank You and I love you, “All Earth Angel Heroes!” We will win this pandemic with The Power In His Badge and your patience and endurance! |
We Must Continually Pray For All World Warriors, Risking Their Lives In Line Of Duty!So many firefighters came from all over the USA to help us fight our wildfire in Texas, when arsonists were starting fires all over Texas. Our own fire department and all county and near fire departments saved our town from the same fate, many ranches, businesses, and towns demolished by the deadly flames. President Obama refused to help our state or look at in plane, when traveling to Austin to get money for his campaign for presidency. It was our governor, who helped all he could not Obama. The dedicated warriors saved Texas. I honor all who saved Texas! The Red Cross, Texas Forest Rangers, and other states, and many other various organizations helped so many through disaster. Many never recovered from the devastation of the fire.