Children, We are visiting a new family in nature, very cold place. The Alaskan Friends are very special members of the animal kingdom, we will face. Bundle up very warm; Alaska is very warm, a land of great perils. In this blizzardy continent you will meet many special animals. Our first Alaskan Friend is Austin Arctic Fox is a very cunning hunter of the lemmings, hidden under the snow. As we visit him and the other friends, our Alaskan knowledge will grow. Snowbaby Snowshoe Hare is larger than its cousin the cottontail rabbit. Perky Porcupine has a very protective but quilly habit. Brendan Black Bear lives with his mother Christa Black Bear. His twin brother, Breadon Black Bear love the Alaskan Wilderness there. Presto Polar Bear lives in the coldest parts of Alaska, rarely seen. When encountered with her cub, her mood becomes mean. Carrie Caribou is a cousin to the antelope and deer. She migrates to better feeding grounds each year. Alex Eagle soars above the snow clouds not afraid to land on the frigid terrain. His feathers keep him dry even from the icy rain. Carlas Coyote howls at the moon sometimes mistaken for Wendy Wolf’s croon. The mate of Shanky Wolf, the leader of the pack under the full moon. Pauline Puffin is a very special bird found in the Alaskan territory. She has a large colorful beak, easy to spot altering her safety. Linco Lynx is a very wise cat, hunting for prey. His ears are helpful with a keen hearing, prey doesn’t usually get away. These are all the friends; you will meet on this Alaskan adventure. Learning about new friends, it teaches you more about the fascinating lives of nature. Children, Alaska is very cold. A different climate than any of you can imagine. Here is so more tales about the friends we all enjoy. Remember MY Motto: Respect Nature And It Will Respect You!) INTRODUCTION TO THE WOODLAND FRIENDS
Welcome to the merry adventures of The Woodland Friends. If you listen carefully, they can be heard in the drifting winds. The first animal's name is Suzette Skunk with a deadly spray. She lives under a rotten log by the land of Farmer Bray. Sully Opossum can be found daily sleeping in a persimmon tree; And at night roaming the woods very free. Gruff Badger is kept very busy digging his hole, deeper and wider. His home is very neat as the web of Scooter Spider. Bandit Raccoon can be found washing his food, he intends to eat. His fur shines because it is kept very clean and neat. Dusty Squirrel lives in a deep hole in an oak tree by the creek. She gathers acorns to store away before winter does peak. Ollie Otter lives with his small family on an area river. His favorite pastime is sliding on snow banks; it makes others shiver. Robby Crow is a mischievous bird, the greatest of all pests. He likes to fluff his feathers while he scatters the other bird nests. Cawly Blue Jay wears the prettiest blue feathers of any bird. When he is around, the woodland friends can scarcely get in a word. Tappy Woodpecker is always boring holes in the trees searching for insects. All over the woods, the other animals hear the echo of his pecks. Sneaky Fox likes chickens and is very witty and sly. He tricks the other animals out of their food as he passes by. Tiny Fieldmouse lives with his family in their cramped home. They live safe in a briar bush under the fertile loam. Skippy Cottontail lives in a rotten stump by Farmer Bray's honeybees. He likes to explore the woods but his eyes and ears are alert for enemies. Busy Beaver likes to swim in the stream where Farmer Perdieu's fish are fed. If you listen closely, his sharp teeth are cutting his logs for his new bed. Frannie Fawn is a baby deer whose curiosity always leads her astray; And the trouble she finds leads her to a new adventure everyday. These are The Woodland Friends who ask you to visit again; And listen to their new adventures as they begin. (Children, These are the Woodland friends, you’ll meet in this book. They will all teach you a lesson or two. Love nature as you explore!) Remember My Motto, “Respect Nature And It Will Respect You! |